Monday, August 24, 2009

His Ring

When we first started looking into wedding bands for David, he said he wanted a heavy metal, like Tungsten or Titanium. We looked around online just to get an idea of the styes that were out there. He favored the light colored metal which is a close match to my white gold set, something like this...

We read all of the rumors about people having to lose fingers to have them removed ect. Several companies did say however, even though it's not as easy to cut these types of rings off in an emergency, like gold, most ER's do have the equipment to remove them.

Not that long ago, he told me he didn't want to go buy a wedding band. He wanted to take his fathers wedding band, have it sized, and use that as his ring. David's mother passed away about 8 years ago and after she passed way, Davids' father gave him his wedding band. I love the fact that he wanted to do this and I know it means a lot to his dad. I took the picture on our Playstation 3 controller since that's David's favorite gaming console.

*pic by me*

It's a plain gold band, but the meaning behind it makes it priceless. My Uncles childhood friend owns a jewelry store so we'll be taking both his and my rings for sizing since mine are a bit snug. Our reception hall has a vestibule right before you walk in and we're going to do something special for his mother in remembrance of her. I've been digging through pictures trying to find ones with him and his mother when he was younger to use as the picture on the table.

Did anyone else have jewelry given to them that they will be using?