For attempt number 2 of my "how to have wipes available to clean off my messy kid, yet still blend in with the pretty table decorations", I used fabric. If you missed Part I, you can check it out here. I started with a very smooth plain white box and some pretty swirly black fabric
I need to be up front and honest with you guys about something before I go any further. I craft cards, and throughout this entire wedding creating process, most of the materials I will be using are paper/craft products. I can't sew and I haven't made a flower arrangement in years, but I know how to use card making supplies and have access to a lot of stuff. Glad I got that off my chest. :) Any-who, I used basic tacky glue to adhere the fabric to the box. All I did was put a layer if the tacky glue throughout the inside edges of the box and spread it around with a tooth pick.
After I let the glue dry a little so it was became tacky, I stuck the fabric onto the inside of the box and held it down until it stayed.
After I did the front and sides, I did the same thing along the bottom.
The box was too awkward to just stick the fabric onto the top. It had a raised lip along the edge and it just wasn't going to stay properly so I improvised. I decided on letting the fabric hang over the top just a little bit like a drap. This way it would be easier to open the box. I measured out my square and added a 1/4 of an inch to each side so it would hang over. I then used red liner to attach my thin pink ribbon along the edge of my fabric. I didn't want to use any type of glue since it could leak through the ribbon.
Next, I used my red liner again to go around the box to I could fold the fabric over. I love red liner because it's VERY sticky, and it's flexable so I was actually able to go around the curved corners with no problem.
And there you have it. What have I learned from this little project? Box #2 has a shiny coating and made it very difficult to handle. The fabric kept sliding but when I used the red liner, it was much easier. If I had thought about that earlier, I would have used it for the inside as well in place of the glue. Since the top just pushes up and open, the fabric that I stuck on the inside snags a little. This was a nice learning process for me and after doing it, I have a better idea of what works, and what doesn't work and I actually plan on incorporating elements from both of the projects for my final box.
Have you tried any run throughs on projects to see how the would work?
I REALLY like this one!
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