Monday, August 10, 2009

Our Wedding Version 2.0

It's finally happened. We have officially set a new wedding date. Calling off our wedding last year was one of the hardest things David and I have ever had to do. With the economy down the drain & him being unemployed, we just had to do what was going to be best for us and our family. We are so glad that we can start the ball rolling again so we can get hitched!

We were very fortunate when it came to dealing with our vendors with this postponement. When we made the decision to hold off for a year, we had not booked any vendors with the exception of our reception hall. We'd already put down our deposit and signed the contracts and I cannot even tell you how long I held my breath waiting for Dave to get off the phone and tell me what they had said. Luck for us, they were very understanding and were happy to help by honoring our deposit as long as we used it within 12 months of the original date which was June 12, 2009.

Actually choosing the new date was the tough part. I was originally trying to set the new date to April 9, 2010 which would be the week after Easter. Since we're having our wedding in the Catholic church I was baptized in, I knew that the Easter lilies would still be all over the church and wanted to take advantage of how beautiful the church looks. It also wouldn't have hurt to have flowers every where that we wouldn't have had to provide but, my Priest was having his 50th birthday and was not going to be in town. After a few calls back and forth to him and the Holiday Inn where the reception is going to be held, we were able to set the date and start figuring out our budget.

Has anyone else had to make major changes to their wedding plans because of the economy and how did you overcome the obstacles?